Head researcher Piergiorgio Di Giminani

Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente

Understanding the landscape as a relevant social actor, this research aims to analyze the relations among public officials, non indigenous peasants, rural Mapuche communities and scientists working in the field of conservation, in the sector of Andean chain that crosses Currarrehue locations and Puón, in the Araucania Region. The purpose is to reveal the interactions between discourse concerning the governance and use practices and conservation of forest resources, revealing the ties of power and the looks that are built between the various groups living in the forest.This research project of political ecology has detected sources of tension in the relationship among legitimate knowledge, housekeeping and intervention, and state control; private conservation, environmental movements and farmers; and the notion of entrepreneurship and environmental problems.

It is, indeed, a study with a strong emphasis on intercultural relations that addresses global processes affecting local communities, reviewing forms of environmental governance applied globally and that in Chile face a context of groups living the forest in a different logic to that of the global market. This requires new ways of interrilations among them and with the forest, which will allow conservation and will notbe  unfair with the practices of the local economy.