Head researchers Marjorie Murray, Jaime Coquelet, Eduardo Valenzuela, Claudio Fuentes, Roberto González, Mayarí Castillo

To provide relevant information to address the Chilean intercultural complexity is the goal of Panel SIIR -acronym in English for Study of Indigenous and Intercultural Relations. This is a longitudinal study, which means that the same group of people is followed at specified intervals over a long period of time. The study will collect data on ethnic identity issues, family relationships, social networks, intergroup relations, conflict and ideology and public policy.

Fifteen researchers of ICIIS are involved in this cross-disciplinary project, whose scope and technical quality surpasses any other studies previously undergone on this subject in our region. It will provide relevant data, both to the scientific and academic community and to the general public-indigenous communities and policymakers, among others.

Methodologically, Panel SIIR project will be developed in a process of five waves over nine years of registration. It considers the participation of non- indigenous and indigenous population, striving to recruit four thousand participants. Indigenous peoples recruited  belong to the more prevalent ethnic communities and higher spatial concentration: Mapuches and “Andean peoples of the north” as the Aymara, Quechua and likan-antai.

It is estimated that the first results of this ambitious survey will be available during the first half of 2015. The main expectation is that these data will contribute to intercultural issues from a statistical point of view.

A collaborative partnership on this project has been recently made with the Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies, (COES, in Spanish) and the Ministry of Social Development.