The Adviser Council’s mission is to link the CIIR with the external environment and make strategic recommendations to connect the Centre’s work with public sector institutions, government representatives, private sector organizations and society at large. This advisory instance consists of the following persons:

Cristóbal Marín, Vice-Chancellor for Research & Development of Universidad Diego Portales.
César Millahueique, Author.
Álvaro Ramis, Dean of Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.
Carlos Aldunate, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino Director.
Pedro Bouchon, Vice-Chancellor for Research of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
María Eugenia Camelio, Director of FONDAP- ANID programme.
Sergio Cubillos, Pueblos Atacameños President of the Council.
Emilio Fernández, UTA academic – Director of Thakhi Programme.
Yessica Huenteman, Designer.